This year, Angelina won’t have to carry 7,000 kgs of water

The water poses significant health risks. But right now, Angelina has no choice.

Every day, Angelina and 78 other women in Guatemala’s Xepol area make the dangerous 3-hour trek to gather water their families should not be drinking. Every year, each woman carries 7,000 kgs of bad water back to their families because it's their only option.

"We know the river water is filthy, but there's no other choice. I am suffering, but I'm more worried about my children." Angelina

Angelina’s worries are well-founded. The frequent sickness in her children is directly related to clean water not being available.

A gift of $50, $75, $100, or $200 to cover the entire cost of clean water for one person, changes everything because it brings clean water right into the home.

The impact is immediate and long-lasting. People's health recovers. Children find joy and are back in school. Mothers invest time once spent gathering water to improve life for their families. They also have time to participate in community decisions.

A gift will:

  • Provide materials to construct a gravity-fed water system

  • Train and support families so they can build, maintain and manage the water system

  • Provide education in health, sanitation and hygiene, ensuring the clean water has the biggest possible impact

Angelina is looking to the future of her children. She wants to create hope and opportunity, not more poverty. Your help today makes this possible.



Women leaders start helping 750 people out of extreme poverty


Niluka’s wish for people who help - “Keep up the good work!”