Women leaders start helping 750 people out of extreme poverty

The compassion in action of HOPE supporters means 70 leaders are helping their neighbours and communities step into a life shaped by vision and capacity, not poverty.

They start training this week in:

  • Business and financial literacy

  • Community mobilization

  • Project management and entrepreneurship

In the next couple months, seed money will be made available to cultivate the opportunities envisioned, including projects that:

  • Reduce the impact of climate change on crop yields and food security

  • Improve safety and productivity by installing electricity and lights

  • Establish community-owned banks so marginalized people can access credit

The investments made by HOPE supporters are giving women the tools and support needed to pioneer a way forward out of extreme poverty for themselves, their neighbours and their communities.


A night when possibility overcomes poverty


This year, Angelina won’t have to carry 7,000 kgs of water