Participate in real-world international development projects in the Philippines this summer! Students from all faculties are invited to the Pamulaan Centre for Indigenous Education. Here, students will participate in hands-on, integrated and holistic community development work. After two weeks of workshops and observations, students will have the unique opportunity to live in a rural Indigenous community for one week.



Students will choose and design their own research topics in partnership with a directed studies mentor. Using information collected from speaking with community leaders, project participants, and grassroots organizations, students will complete a final project. Through hands-on learning students will gain a better understanding of topics in land security, agriculture, WaSH, social enterprise, rural education, community mobilization, Indigenous rights and more.


June 23rd to July 12th, 2023
Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines
3-6 depending on the type of directed studies chosen
$1,450 (students are responsible for travel to and from Davao and food costs)

Course is open to all students from all faculties

For more information email
Anna Baumgartel at


What Will You Be Doing?

Students will spend the first two weeks learning about the context, challenges, and ways forward for Indigenous communities. Through a mix of classwork, hands on learning at the farm, and field trips to observe different development projects, students will decide the focus of their directed studies.


Pamulaan implements hundreds of projects around the Philippines. Students will observe projects and practice their interview and research skills. Students will visit agricultural projects, social enterprises, WaSH projects and more.


For a week, students will live in an Indigenous community and work alongside families to gain a much deeper understanding of rural development. This will be their opportunity to collect information that will help them complete their final projects.