Transform Lives with Clean Water

Today, millions in developing countries walk miles daily just for water, often from contaminated sources. Many of them are children, and mothers like Phat.

This water crisis leads to health problems, keeps children out of school, and hinders economic growth. Your support will give back hours, days, months, and years to families who have had to give up their education, economic stability, and time with loved ones, all in the search of water.

Give families a Reason to Celebrate World Water Day - Clean Water!

Clean Water For Life

Step 1: Start Right

Families are at the heart of every well and water system. They're involved in every aspect of designing and constructing a well or water system, including contributing local knowledge and labour. Every well and water system is built to last, forming the foundation of an integrated approach to stepping out of poverty.

Step 2: Manage Right

Families have ownership and are trained to manage and maintain their wells and water systems. They participate in health education and improve sanitation. Working together, they ensure the benefits of clean water are available to all for generations to come.

3: Leaving Poverty

Wells and water systems, health education and sanitation improvements create opportunities. Children are in school. Families produce all the food they need. Women start small businesses using support, training and small loans from the self-help groups they form.

What We Do

At HOPE International, we turn compassion into action. For nearly 50 years, we've dedicated ourselves to supporting families and communities to lift themselves out of poverty, focusing on sustainable solutions like clean water, health, education and training.

About HOPE International

How We Do It

Working with partners indigenous to each country we work in, we support life-transforming projects that create paths out of poverty that are permanent, resilient and full of opportunity for people and communities.

Our extensive experience and collaborative approach will empower over 1.4 million lives across 15 countries this year, making us a trusted partner in global development.

With Gifts Like Yours

A New Water System in Guatemala

As part of a larger integrated project to improve life for Indigenous families in Tzanimacabaj, Guatemala a new water system, being constructed by the community, will bring abundant supplies of clean water right into people’s homes.

Improving Resilience in the DR Congo

Families will improve their resilience through initiatives, including protecting a number of clean water springs in their area that will provide a lasting supply of clean water that supports good health and an improved food supply.

Overcoming Drought in India

Farming families in Kadiri, India will overcome years of drought by building small dams, strategically placed along rivers, where water can pool and replenish the water table, filling family wells and supporting irrigation of crops.

Water Starts Big Change in Ethiopia

Clean water will be the foundation for improved health and better days as women are able to dedicate more time to improving their income through small business start-ups, and children spend more time learning their way toward a bright future.

Donate Today to Provide Clean Water for Life